Dear Families,
The Summer Holiday Club is open for bookings and places are filling up fast! We have an amazing six weeks of fun and adventures planned for your children.
There are so many exciting activities to choose from - from making dream catchers to superhero masks and water fights and games, there is something for everyone. As well as the planned activities there are lots of opportunities for free play. We have a huge range of resources for your children to play with including dressing up clothes, den building, construction, football, tennis, air hockey and our Wii. We also have use of the school playgrounds and will be taking the children off site on day trips and to the cinema and park.
To see the full programme please look on our website:
The last two days of Holiday Club - the 2nd and 3rd September only have about ten places left. If you are wanting to book either of these please do so as soon as possible.
Last summer the Ape Project came in and ran an adventure workshop for us, and as it was so popular we have asked them to come in twice this summer. The Ape Project are a Bristol based children’s play and activity provider who, amongst other things, run workshops for schools and play schemes. The Ape Project allow the children to engage in some risky play, in a controlled setting with their experienced, qualified staff. For more information please visit their website:
Here are some photos of the Ape Project’s activities at Holiday Club last year:
If you do want to book, the two dates they are in are: Wednesday 31st July and Tuesday 20th August.
E- Safety is very important to us, and we have been doing lots of work recently talking to the children about how they can keep themselves safe online. Some children choose to bring hand held games consoles into Holiday Club. We manage this by having set times they are allowed to play on them, and rules they must adhere to. Internet access is strictly prohibited. Playworkers are vigilant and look at what is being used and stored on the devices. If you would like any further information please speak to Jenny.
Please note children are not allowed phones at Holiday Club. If a child wishes to bring a phone in (for example if they are walking themselves home) it must be handed in at the start of the session, and will be returned to them as they leave.
Does anyone have any (age appropriate) Wii games at home that you could donate to us? We can promise they will be well used by lots of very enthusiastic children!
We have a Healthy Lunches Policy. We ask all parents to have a look at it, and ensure the lunches they send their children in with meet these standards. Key information is below. If you have any questions please contact Jenny.
National Guidelines
Packed lunches should include:
• At least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables every day.
• Meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas) every day.
• A starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereals every day.
• Dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais custard every day, or a dairy substitute.
• Only water, still or sparkling, fruit juice, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, yoghurt or milk drinks and smoothies.
Packed lunches should not regularly include:
• Snacks such as crisps. Instead, vegetables and fruit (with no added salt, sugar or fat). Savoury crackers or breadsticks served with fruit, vegetables or dairy food are also a good choice.
• Confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate-coated biscuits and sweets. Cakes and biscuits are allowed but encourage your child to eat these only as part of a balanced meal.
• Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies, corned meat and sausages / chipolatas should be included only occasionally.
We understand that some children have dietary requirements which may not allow these standards to be met exactly.
Jenny has attended a training course learning how to support staff well being and resilience. It has given her a greater understanding of how to support the staff team. Lauren and Hollie are working towards their Level 2 qualifications in Playwork. Several members of staff attended Positive Handling training, as well as updating their First Aid and Child Protection training.
We will have several new playworkers starting with us in the run up to the summer holidays, we are looking forward to introducing them to the children.
Do you know children need to do these types of physical activity each week?
Aerobic exercise
E.g. activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.
Exercises to strengthen their bones and their muscles
E.g. activities such as swinging, hopping and skipping, and sports such as gymnastics or tennis.
Children should undertake at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Being active for at least 60 minutes a day is linked to better general health, stronger bones and muscles, and higher levels of self-esteem.
For more information please visit:
Please let us know on 07847479626 if your child won’t be attending After School Club. This is especially important if your child is in the Juniors because we do not see their teachers. Please also let us know if your child won’t be attending Holiday Club. It is possible that we can resell a place even on the day, if there is a waiting list. Where possible please leave day to day messages on the phone number, rather than by emailing Jenny or Roberta who may not pick up your message in time. (Or maybe on holiday!)
There is a 48 hour exclusion period for children (and staff) after the LAST episode of sickness or diarrhoea. We have your children and our staff’s best interests at heart by enforcing these exclusion periods. By bringing your poorly child in you are putting other children (and our staff) at risk. Thank you for your support.

Lauren has been working with us since 2016, and is currently working towards her Level 2 Playwork qualification. Lauren is a key worker for several of our reception children. Lauren also works in a local nursery. Lauren’s favourite part of the job is chatting with the children in the Quiet Area and finding out their opinions. Outside of work she likes to watch live music and has just started learning to play the piano.
Next time you are in, please stop and say hello!
Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.
YOU SAID: Please can we have a superhero week at Holiday Club? (Child request)
WE DID: Week 5 of the summer holidays is superhero week. Thank you to all of the children who helped us plan the activities - we can’t wait!
We are always keen to hear your views. There is a suggestions box at the back of the dining hall or pop in for a chat. THANK YOU for your continued support.