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OFSTED paid us a visit in July 2022.

Below are just a few quotes from their report:

  • Children have good opportunities to be outside and physically active.

  • Staff establish clear routines with children so that they understand behavioural expectations.

  • There is good communication with the school to ensure children's smooth collection from the classrooms or playground. Staff know who they are collecting and follow up on any absences promptly.

  • Staff work closely with the school and parents to ensure children's individual needs are met, especially for those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. 


Registration Number:






The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff maintain an accurate daily attendance record. They are vigilant and keep each other well informed when children move between the inside and outside environments. Staff use risk assessments appropriately, including those for large outdoor play equipment, to provide a safe space the children to play. Staff are deployed effectively to ensure close supervision of children. Staff have a good understanding of the possible indicators that a child is at risk of harm. Those with lead responsibilities for escalating concerns understand procedures to refer promptly to other agencies.​

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