School's Out Henleaze,
Kids Club in North Bristol

Welcome to
School’s Out Henleaze
After School Club
We have been running for close to 30 years from Henleaze Infant School and have plenty of experience in welcoming new families into the club and we are always excited to meet them. Our two Early Years keyworkers are called Gee and Sam, and they have been supporting the new Reception children to settle in, make friends and, of course, have lots of fun playing until home time.
Timetable (Infants)
At the end of the school day, our Playworkers will meet your child at their classroom door (the door going to the corridor with their coat and bag pegs), and will be wearing their School’s Out blue t-shirt with their name on. The Playworkers will have a list of children they are picking up that day, and if any children are absent the Playworker will check with the teacher to confirm their absence.
The children will then gather their belongings with them, stop at the toilets to use them if necessary and to wash their hands. Reception children will head to a quiet classroom to eat their snack*, have a drink and chat about their day. They will then be taken to the Dining Hall (where hot dinners are served at lunchtime), and where all the other After School Club children have been having their snack.
*These can be brought from home and it is important to be aware that we are nut and sesame free setting, as there are children at the school who suffer from severe allergies, so please do not include any in your child’s snack. Alternatively we can provide a piece of fruit.
Children are then able to choose to play inside (Dining Hall) or outside (Small/Big playgrounds). This can be in rain or shine, and although there is some shelter, we also request that children come appropriately prepared for any weather.
Children can be collected any time, we ask that you ring 07847479626 when you arrive in the Infant School Car Park for pick ups. We will then ready your child and bring them out to you.

Reception Keyworkers
Senior Playworker

Gee joined our team in 2019 as a Playworker. She has a degree in psychology, and was a police cadet for two years. Gee worked in another holiday club for many years and has lots of experience working with children. Gee completed her Level 2 in Playwork in April 2021 and is one of our Reception Keyworkers. You will often find her running around outside being silly with the reception children and she has done a fantastic job of settling them in.
Timetable (Juniors)
Currently, Junior children make their own way from their classrooms to the playground, where they are registered by our Playworkers and brought to the Infant School Dining Hall. They are given time on arrival at the Infant School to eat their (nut and sesame free) snack from home, or alternatively a piece of fruit provided by us, before going outside to play. Children are able to choose indoor or outdoor play until 5.30pm, when we bring them all inside to prepare for the end of the day. We focus on child-led free play and supervise the club with a ratio of nine children per adult. Children attending after Shine or other school-run clubs will be collected by a playworker.
In the case of a child not arriving at After School Club, the Deputy Manager or Manager will contact parents as soon as possible via a phone call to confirm absence, as we do not have contact with their teachers.
Parents can pick their child up from After School Club at any time until 5.45pm by calling 07847479626 on arrival at the Infant School Car Park. We will then ready your child and come out to meet you.