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February 2018 Newsletter


Dear Families,

FEBRUARY HOLIDAY CLUB ***It is not too late to book! We still have a few spaces available on Monday and Thursday! ***

Monday is our Narnia day! We will be making animal masks in the morning, and playing musical statues. In the afternoon we will be taking the children to the cinema and the park. On Thursday we are taking the children to Puxton Park for the day. Puxton Park is one of the children’s favourite trips, with lots of exciting play equipment to climb on, and animals to visit. If anyone has any questions about either of these days please get in touch.

We will be in the Junior School all week, and will be offering lots of opportunities for outdoor play, as well as lots of fun, planned activities for the children to take part in, if they want.

For the full programme, or to make a booking please visit libacura.


We are currently in the middle of our Environment Week! The children have had a great time learning about recycling, and the impact we have on the world around us. Liam took groups of children over to the pond area looking for mini beasts, and their habitats. We have also been junk modelling, and Emma is working with the children to make a display about endangered animals. We have posted lots of photos on our facebook page.


Over the last few years we have been able to increase our capacity at After School Club, allowing us to clear the majority of our waiting lists. This means that if you are interested in booking places at After School Club it is worth letting Roberta know. Sometimes the waiting list is as short as a couple of weeks, and if you are interested in a Monday or Friday we have availability right now. Roberta’s email is

FOOD HYGIENE Do you know that we have a Five Star rating for Food Hygiene? This is the highest rating available. All staff working at School’s Out Henleaze undertake a Level 2 Food Hygiene course as part of their induction, and we are committed to providing the highest standards of hygiene possible in our food preparation.

E-SAFETY Please ensure that any electronic devices your child brings into School’s Out are not connected to the internet. We allow the children to use electronic devices at certain times of the day during the holidays, but internet access is strictly prohibited. (If your child requires a mobile phone, for example if they walk home from holiday club on their own, then it must be handed into a member of staff at the start of the session, and will be returned to them as they leave.)

Do you talk to your child about keeping safe on the internet? Would they come to you if they were worried about something they saw online? The NSPCC has lots of advice on their website, and a dedicated phone number you can call 0808 800 5002 for advice and support.

WHO’S WHO Sophie B has worked at School’s Out Henleaze for over four years. Sophie has a degree in Drama, and has attended many training courses including Makaton and E-Safety, as well as Child Protection and First Aid. Sophie also volunteers with the Travelling Light Youth Theatre group, and spent three months in Nepal teaching English to primary children. Sophie often helps out in the Reception classes at Henleaze, and can be a reassuring face for many of our small children when they join after school club. Her favourite part of the job is joining in with the children’s make-believe games! When she isn’t at work she enjoys performing, travelling, and rock climbing. Next time you are in come and say hello!

FINISH TIME AT ASC We are still waiting for a response from the school regarding a possible extension to our current finish time of 5.30pm. We will keep you posted. STAFF NEWS We are delighted to welcome Zack to our team. Zack has been volunteering with us for the last couple of years whilst he has been working towards his Duke of Edinburgh awards. Zack will be working in After School Club on Mondays, and during Holiday Club. Zack is currently studying towards his A Levels and is hoping to go on to study medicine at university.

Sophie S and Calum have just completed their Level 2s in playwork and are looking forward to starting their new Senior Playworker roles. Congratulations!

FACEBOOK Our facebook page is the best way to keep up to date with holiday club availability, and everything else your children are getting up to!

Our facebook page can also be viewed on the home page of our website. MOBILE PHONE USE ONSITE Please can you ensure that everyone who picks up from ASC and HC is aware of our no phones policy. Thank you for helping us keep the children safe.

This is an OFSTED requirement we are duty bound to enforce.

ABSENCE If your child will not be attending ASC it is really important you let us know on 07847479626. This is even more important if your child is in the junior school because we do not see their teachers.

If your child will not be attending holiday club please also let us know.

MEDICATION Please ensure that any medication your child requires is handed into either Jenny or Liam. Please do not assume we have access to medication stored in the school office. Please keep a note of the expiry date, and ensure new medication is ordered in time. We are unable to administer out of date medication. We also require all medication to be in its original packaging, and displaying a doctor’s label with the child’s name on it.

YOU SAID, WE DID Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments. YOU SAID: Please can we play some new outdoor games? (Child request)

WE DID: We have been playing all sorts of games outside this term, including Chaos Tag, Family Tag, Stuck in the Mud and Skyros. As it gets lighter we will be introducing some more. Thank you to Ben W, Tom and Cam for organising our outdoor games!

We are always keen to hear your views. There is a suggestions box at the back of the ASC dining hall, or pop in for a chat. THANK YOU for your continued support.

School’s Out Henleaze is a company limited by guarantee and is registered in England and Wales (No. 5757674). Registered address: 236 Henleaze Road, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4NG

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