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January 2018 Newsletter


Dear Families,

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our families a very happy new year.

FEBRUARY HOLIDAY CLUB The February Holiday Club is now open for bookings!

The children have requested the theme ‘Our Favourite Books’, and over the Christmas holidays they helped us choose the authors to focus on and the activities to run. We will be making George’s Marvellous Medicine mocktails, baking Hedwig cookies, and running a Roald Dahl drama workshop. We will also be adventuring like the Famous Five, making our own dens and picnic food. Early booking is recommended! We will be operating out of the Junior School as usual.

For the full programme, or to make a booking please visit Libacura.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB *** SPACES AVAILABLE ON MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS *** We’ve had lots of fun already this term making butterfly prints with Frankie, clay modelling with Cal and the children’s favourite, Bingo! Tom has been keeping the children busy outside with hide and seek tag - despite the weather!

Other activities include making fruit salads, a spaghetti and marshmallow construction challenge and making Chinese lanterns. As it’s still Winter, we will be in the hall most evenings this term throwing balls and shouting loudly to each other in what may seem to the untrained eye organised chaos, but we like to call Benchball Dodgeball!

Looking further on, we will be having a week focused on the Environment later this term, and will run activities based around recycling/upcycling, conservation and nature, such as scavenger hunting, and junk modelling. We will also start to think about a planting project ready for the Spring. Any suggestions are always appreciated!

We asked the children to write reviews of the trip. Thank you to the following children whose reviews were selected!

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY CLUB We had a very festive week in the run up to Christmas, with some highly excited children (and staff)! We made Christmas brownies, star lanterns and baked salt dough tree decorations. We also had a fun day out at Jump and Hollywood Bowl. We made the most of the weather, with two trips to local parks. We took lots of photos- please visit our Facebook page to see them!

‘Jump was so fun aaaand there were lots of things to do.’ Sophie ‘Bowling was exquisite.’ Thomas ‘Bowling was amazing because they let us use the VIP lanes.’ Emilia ‘Jump was brilliant- we played family tag and there were loads of places to hide. And the slides were amazing.’ George

CANCELLING HOLIDAY CLUB PLACES Please note that once booked, holiday club places cannot be cancelled. In exceptional circumstances we will consider cancelling a booked place, but not on a regular basis.

SLIME We have had lots of parents asking for the recipe for slime, so here it is! A huge thank you to Sophie B, who worked it out for us. We gave her lots of ingredients, and she spent a messy (so she tells us) evening experimenting! PVA glue- half a cup Optrex tired eyes eye drops- half a teaspoon Baking powder- one teaspoon Paint/ glitter- as required

Combine ingredients and mix together.

We have had a parent tell us they removed slime successfully from their child’s clothes by putting the clothes in the freezer overnight, and then soaking them in contact lens solution.

MOBILE PHONE USE ONSITE School’s Out Henleaze is a ‘Phone Free Zone.’ Phones must be kept completely out of sight in a bag or pocket and may not be used in any circumstances in either the building or our playgrounds. If you do not have a bag or pocket to put your phone in please leave it at home!

WHO’S WHO Liam has been working at School’s Out Henleaze since 2009. He is the Deputy Manager. Liam’s favourite part of the job is talking nonsense with the children and making paper aeroplanes. Liam has lots of responsibilities, including liaising with the Reception teachers and planning for and tracking the progress of our Early Years children.

Liam also works in Henleaze Infant School, as a Learning Support Assistant and Breakfast Club Playleader. Liam recently married Fran, and has a cat called Furiosa (F-yur-ree-o-sa).

Next time you are in, come and say hello!

STAFF NEWS We are delighted to welcome Frankie and Tom to our team. Frankie will be a familiar face to many children, as she used to work in breakfast club. Tom is a keen sportsman, and is looking forward to playing football, cricket and dodgeball with the children.

FACEBOOK Our Facebook page is the best way to keep up to date with holiday club availability, and everything else your children are getting up to!

( Our Facebook page can also be viewed on the home page of our website.) ABSENCE If your child will not be attending ASC it is important you let us know on 07847479626. This is even more important if your child is in the junior school because we do not see their teachers.

LIBACURA When was the last time you checked your details were up to date on Libacura? Please take a few minutes to log in, check and update as required. In an emergency it is essential the information you have provided us with is accurate.

Please also ensure that your account is paid up to date, all holiday clubs including February, inclusive play project funding and after school club fees up to Term 3. If you need to cancel after school club sessions please give us four weeks written notice.

COMMITTEE We currently have space on our committee for someone with HR knowledge and experience. We would love to hear from you if you’d like to join us. There are only six committee meetings per year. You’d benefit from accelerated places into the after school club. Please email for more information.

COMMITTEE We currently have space on our committee for someone with HR knowledge and experience. We would love to hear from you if you’d like to join us. There are only six committee meetings per year. You’d benefit from accelerated places into the after school club. Please email for more information.

Schools Out Henleaze January Newsletter

If your child will not be attending holiday club please also let us know.

FINISH TIME AT ASC We have, again, requested an extension to our current finish time of 5.30pm. We understand that for many parents a 5.30pm finish time is frustrating and difficult to manage. Please be reassured that we are doing all we can. The Henleaze Campus governors (HC3) are meeting in February, and we are hoping for some news after this.

YOU SAID, WE DID Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.

YOU SAID: Please could we have a Who’s Who section in the newsletter? (Parent request)

WE DID: We have added this feature to our newsletter.

We are always keen to hear your views. There is a suggestions box at the back of the ASC dining hall, or pop in for a chat. THANK YOU for your continued support.

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