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March 2018 Newsletter


Dear Families,

EASTER HOLIDAY CLUB The Easter holiday club is open for bookings. The theme is ‘Round the World in 8 Days!’ and the activities were planned with the children during the February Holiday Club.

We have lots of exciting things planned, including a limbo competition, making flower garlands and dragon dancing. We will also be baking bread, and flower biscuits as well as completing a chopsticks and rice competition. We have booked a daytrip to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm during the second week. Bristol Playbus are bringing the Sensory Truck out to us for a morning. The Sensory Truck is full of sensory toys, including a ball pool and light machines for the children to play with. We would like to thank BAND for funding the visit for us.

If you would like any further information please email Jenny, or to make a booking log into Libacura.


Once again, we have been awarded the Bristol Standard for Play! Here is some of the feedback we received:

The validation panel felt that your submission was a pleasure to read and gave us a real feel for the rich and varied play opportunities you provide for your children. We particularly like the way you involve the children in the setting by actively seeking their views and immediately feeding this into your planning. The feedback from parents shows how much they value the setting and to read about what a difference you have made to families who have disabled children was truly inspiring and very moving.

The Bristol Standard is a self-evaluation framework which helps play settings develop and improve the quality and effectiveness of their provision through an annual cycle of reflection.

WE ARE LOOKING FOR A SAFEGUARDING OFFICER We are looking for someone to join our well-established Management Committee as a second Safeguarding Officer. This role requires someone with knowledge of and experience working in Safeguarding, or Child Protection- for example someone who has worked in education, social care or in the health service. (This list is not exhaustive!) The role involves supporting the staff in dealing with Safeguarding and Child Protection issues and reviewing our policy annually. Although you are very welcome to attend committee meetings and get involved with all areas of the Management Committee this is not essential. Historically this has not been a large role and has taken up just a couple of hours every few months. We already have two well established Safeguarding Officers, one of whom will be moving on. This means you will be well supported as you settle in. Getting involved with the Management Committee is rewarding and gives you a chance to get involved in what goes on behind the scenes of School’s Out Henleaze. If you are able to help us or would like more information, please let Roberta know. (Management Committee members get priority places in After School Club.)

SNOW DAYS We are very sorry we had to cancel two sessions of After School Club due to the adverse weather in Bristol. We had some very disappointed Playworkers who were looking forward to playing in the snow! We do not usually cancel sessions, but the Infant School building was closed, and we were following the Met Office advice of only essential travel taking place. We hope you were all able to stay safe and warm, and that you had fun out in the snow!

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB We still have a couple of spaces on a Monday and Tuesday, and lots of availability on Fridays. If you are interested, please drop Roberta an email.

So far this term at ASC, the children have been making the most of the lighter evenings with lots of exciting outdoor play taking place. The children have been dressing up and putting on shows, playing lots of sport and hunting for mini beasts. When we had snow Liam organised a snowball fight, and the children made snow angels! Inside, the children have taken part in lots of exciting activities, including making stress balls, making balloon animals and mask making. We are still allowing the children into the hall to play dodgeball some evenings, but this will be phased out as the weather warms up (hopefully soon) and we can stay outside.

PUXTON PARK REVIEW BY THE CHILDREN In the February Holiday Club we went on a day trip to Puxton Park. It was a rainy, muddy day but we all had so much fun! Here are some comments from the children. There are also lots of pictures on our facebook page. “I loved bouncing on the bouncy cushion. I went in the soft play with my friend, we played climbing!” Lily, aged 6 “They had good chips” Freddie, aged 11 “It was very muddy but we all had fun. There were lots of rides we all enjoyed.” Alex, aged 12 “We got muddy! I saw a 4 day old baby lamb- it was adorable.” William, aged 9 “The blue death slide is really good, I went down it 7 times. I wasn’t scared, it was fun!” Hari, aged 5

BBC RADIO BRISTOL We were all very excited to have a visit from Radio Bristol in our February Holiday Club. The presenter James Hanson came in and interviewed ten children for his programme ‘The Kids Vs the News’. James asked them about Brexit, the Winter Olympics and Boris Johnson. If you would like to hear the programme here is the link It is well worth a listen- the children gave some excellent answers!

MOBILE PHONE USE ONSITE Please can you ensure that everyone who picks up from ASC and HC is aware of our no phones policy. Thank you for helping us keep the children safe.

This is an OFSTED requirement we are duty bound to enforce.

ABSENCE If your child will not be attending ASC it is really important you let us know on 07847479626. This is even more important if your child is in the junior school because we do not see their teachers.

WHO’S WHO Lucy is one of our Senior Playworkers, with a responsibility for managing our outside play areas. She attended School’s Out as a child, and as a teenager returned to volunteer with us. Lucy has a Level 2 in Playwork, and has completed First Aid and Safeguarding courses. She is currently studying an Art Foundation course at University. Lucy’s favourite part of the job is talking to and playing with the children, no matter how crazy their game! Out of work she is interested in art and photography. In September Lucy will be starting a degree in Graphic Design and Illustration.

Next time you are in come and say hello!


FACEBOOK We are sorry to wave goodbye to Cam and Ella for

Our Facebook page is the the next few months, as they go travelling with a

best way to keep up to group of friends. We will put a map up at After

date with holiday club School Club, and the children are looking forward

availability, and everything to following their adventures. They will be back to

else your children are work at the end of June.

getting up to!

Congratulations to Kelly for the safe arrival of

Our Facebook page can baby Zak. We are hoping Kelly will bring Zak in for

also be viewed on the home a visit soon. Kelly works in the Holiday Club.

page of our website.

YOU SAID, WE DID Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments. YOU SAID: Please could we have a new table tennis table? (Child request.)

WE DID: We have purchased a new table tennis table, and new bats and balls. The children had lots of fun playing with it during the February Holiday Club.

We are always keen to hear your views. There is a suggestions box at the back of the ASC dining hall or pop in for a chat.

THANK YOU for your continued support.

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