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May 2018 Newsletter


Dear Families,

***SPACES AVAILABLE AT AFTER SCHOOL CLUB*** There are still five places available on a Friday at After School Club. All the other days are currently full. If you would like a Friday, or to be added to the waiting lists for any other days please let Roberta know. The waiting list is creeping back up so there will be a wait for the mid-week sessions of up to six months.

Roberta is busy allocating After School Club places for September, she will send you booking details in the next week. Following this if you need to alter your sessions or cancel days please let her know as soon as possible. If you have a child on the waiting list for September, you can expect to hear about places by the end of May.

EXTENDED OPENING HOURS- FEEDBACK FROM THE GOVERNORS As many of you will be aware, over the last few years we have tried unsuccessfully to extend the After School Club closing time to 6pm, instead of the current finish time of 5.30pm. This would bring us in line with other After School Clubs and would better meet the needs of our working parents. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, the HC3 (campus wide) Governors have decided that the After School Club opening hours cannot be extended beyond 5.30pm.

We have requested a full explanation, and when we have a more detailed response we will feed it back to you.

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB It seems ages away, but we have already had parents asking when they can book in for the summer holiday club! We will open for bookings over the May holiday club. There are always days that fill up completely so as always we strongly advise where possible planning ahead and booking early.

Do you know that we take pre-school four-year olds in the summer holidays? It is an excellent way for them to meet some of the other children they will be going to school with and get used to the school building and playgrounds. If you would like any further information, please speak to either Liam or Jenny.

MAY HOLIDAY CLUB ***NOW OPEN FOR BOOKINGS!*** There are still a few places left each day. If you would like to make a booking please do so as soon as possible. The theme is ‘When I Grow up...’

ARRIVALS AT AFTER SCHOOL CLUB At the end of the school day, the Infant children are collected from their classrooms by a familiar Playworker, who takes them to wash their hands (and to the toilet if they need it), helps them hang their bags and coats up and then supports them as they choose their snack and settle into after school club.

The children in Years 3-5 meet the Playworkers in the Junior playground, where they are escorted in groups over to the Infants. They are sent to the toilets to wash their hand, hang their bags and coats up. The Playworkers sit with them at snack time and are always keen to catch up on any news, or just have a chat.

Our Year 6 children bring themselves over to after school club. After all these years we hope they are able to remember to wash their hands and hang their bags up, we are there to remind them if not! Cont.

Snack time can be hectic and busy, as all the children arrive and sit down to eat, but it is also a important, lovely time where we see older children helping the younger ones, siblings catching up, and the children excited to see their favourite Playworkers and find out what activities are available that day.

All children are registered on arrival at after school club- don’t forget to let us know if your child won’t be attending a session. This is especially important if they are in the Juniors as we do not see their teachers.

During Term 6 we will be taking all the Year 2 children over to the Junior playgrounds, so they know where to meet us once they go into Year 3. We will also start letting the Year 5s walk themselves over to after school club, instead of meeting the Playworkers in the playground. If you have any questions about pick ups, or would like to chat please pop in.

DONATED EQUIPMENT We have had an amazing amount of dressing up clothes donated! We are so grateful, and the children have had so much fun playing with these already. Dressing up clothes offer so much inspiration for the children and their play. This month they have been pirates, fairies teaching in a fairy school, super heroes and bus drivers who took us all the way to ‘Weston Super Mare’ on a bus made from chairs!

Does anyone have any old shorts, leggings or joggers they could donate to us? They do not need to be in perfect condition- just good enough for a child to borrow until they get home after having an accident. (We have lots of spare underwear already!) Any size is helpful, but particularly anything suitable for our Infant children.

WHO’S WHO Emma is our longest serving member of staff- she has worked in both our after school and holiday clubs for the last 17 years! Emma has NVQ’s in Playwork, and has years of experience supporting children in both preschool and school settings. Emma has worked in Henleaze Infant School for the last 8 years as a Learning Support Assistant, and is a reassuring, familiar face for many of the children and parents. Emma’s own son attended School’s Out for many years. Emma’s favourite part of the job is chatting to the different children.

And in her free time Emma enjoys going to the gym and visiting friends and family.

Please stop and say hi next time you are in!

STAFF NEWS We would like to wish all our staff currently preparing for their exams good luck! We would also like to welcome back Ella from her travels- we can’t wait to hear about your adventures.

Over the next couple of months there will be some new staff starting who will be working with us over the summer holidays. They will all start before the summer so that they can settle in and start getting to know the children.

Our Facebook page is the best way to keep up to date with holiday club availability, and everything else your children are getting up to! @SchoolsOutHenleaze

Our Facebook page can also be viewed on the home page of our website.

YOU SAID, WE DID Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments. YOU SAID: Lots of children have asked if the Infants and Juniors could have separate times to play on the Wii.

WE DID: We will trial this over the May holiday club. We will continue to carefully monitor how long the Wii is on, so that the children do not have too much ‘screen time’. We will review it with the children, taking their feedback into consideration. We will let you know how it goes!

We are always keen to hear your views. There is a suggestions box at the back of the ASC dining hall or pop in for a chat.

THANK YOU for your continued support.

School’s Out Henleaze is a company limited by guarantee and is registered in England and Wales (No. 5757674). Registered address: 236 Henleaze Road, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4NG

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