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May 2022 Newsletter


Updated: May 27, 2022

Roberta (General Enquiries): 07535 293 788

Jenny (After School Club and Holiday Club): 07847 479 626

Dear Families,

After School Club

Two of our team have just finished up their Level 2 qualifications in Playwork so we’d like

to wish a big congratulations to Sam and Rich and welcome to their new lives as Senior Playworkers!

Our esteemed colleague Evelyn from local charity BAND (Bristol And Neighbourhood Daycare) has been visiting to assess the scheme and how we run – sort of a mock-Ofsted – so the whole team has had a chance to show of their knowledge of the important parts of the job, what they think has been going well or could be improved, and of course how much they enjoy working with the children we look after. The resulting report, as part of our continual development as a club, will give us valuable information on what we can change and improve to provide the best possible care for everyone at School’s Out, covering everything from play provision, risk assessment, staffing and training, to policies, insurance, child protection procedures and fire safety.

Out in the playground, dressing-up is back in vogue and fashion shows, princesses and spooky skeleton-girls have become a common sight. We have also purchased a brand new extra-big parachute for parachute games.

This May we are so pleased to be honoured as the WINNERs of Club Central's, 'Inclusive Practice Award'. Well done team!

Bookings for September

Currently we have not seen much movement at the after school club for September 2022. This means we are unlikely to be able to place additional sessions required from the waiting list or for existing families already using the scheme. If you need to swap or cancel sessions, please let the administrator know as soon as possible, Please also note that there will be a small fee increase per child, per session, which we will notify you of after 13th June 2022. Thank you.

Easter Holiday Club

What a rollicking fun couple of weeks we had! With summer not far off, we had excellent weather and loads of outdoor fun including parachute games and all manner of sports including football and tennis. Indoors we made Easter Nests, Easter Crowns, Easter Scratch Art, and more! We also got out our massive new badge-making machine, allowing to children to design and press their own pins. And across the entire scheme, inside and out, groups of children could be seen stampeding around solving our devious Easter Egg Hunt! From the highest peak of The Trim-Trail to the darkest depths of Under Jenny’s Desk, groups worked as teams to solve riddles and find clues in pursuit of the greatest prize of all: Friendship (Chocolate).

Half-Term Heroes

Bookings for May Half-Term are now closed :( . The theme is Super-Heroes and if you look on our website, you’ll be able to see a programme filled with exciting hero-themed activities. We’ll be making comics, designing costumes, performing feats of strength and compassion, and promoting good deeds. All the while, we’ll have our standard array of toys, games, crafts and greatest super-power of all: Friendship (Chocolate again).

Committee Volunteers

As a not-for-profit organisation School’s Out Henleaze is run by a committee of parent volunteers at the scheme. We have several places becoming available on the committee and we are desperately seeking a new Chair, effective immediately; (our last had to stand down suddenly). If your child has been enjoying School’s Out Henleaze for a few years and you would like to give back to the scheme we would love to hear from you. You would need to attend six committee meetings per year and ideally have some management/business/education skills that would benefit School’s Out Henleaze. Please see our Committee page on our website and email the administrator for more details. Remember priority places are provided to committee members.

Pokémon Cards

As with other toys brought from home, we cannot take responsibility for these and ask them to be left home.

No Nuts and Sesame

We are a nut-free scheme. When making snacks or packed lunches, do not include any nuts or nut products such as peanut butter, and we have also excluded sesame and sesame products such as hummus. We have children with severe allergies to these foods and sending your child in with them can risk their health.

Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities

If your child is attending another club before School’s Out, please can you text the ASC phone and include where and when you would like us to pick up your child. If you would like your child to walk themselves over, we would still like you to tells us where they will be and what time we can expect them at School’s Out. You may also need to discuss this arrangement with the staff at your child’s club.

Cancelling Holiday Club Places

Please note that once booked, Holiday Club places cannot be cancelled. In exceptional circumstances we will consider cancelling a booked place, but not on a regular basis.


If you would like information about After School Club and Holiday Club, including details of our staff team, committee members, activity programs, or policies, please visit our website here. We keep it regularly updated, and as always, welcome feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Pick-Up Times and Use of the Car Park

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents sticking to our pick-up times of 5.45 for After School Club and 5.30 for Holiday Club. Please continue to give us a call on 07847 479626 when you have arrived to collect your child. May we also remind you that use of the car park for picking up and dropping off is restricted to those with additional needs.

Who’s Who

Rich joined our team in 2021 as a playworker, although as mentioned above he has recently completed his Playwork Level 2 training, and will soon become a Senior Playworker. Rich enjoys playing imaginative and very silly games with the children he looks after and has been great at supporting our 1:1 children in having a fantastic time at School’s Out. Outside of work, Rich enjoys reading, live music and gaming.


Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.


“Can we have some Rubik’s Cubes please?” Andreas

“Can we get some new things for the sensory box?” Myla and Isabelle


We have ordered a variety of Rubik’s Cube-based toys and games.

We have bought a new Rheoscopic Ball, Infinity Mirror and Galaxy Cube for the sensory box.

THANK YOU for your continued support!

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