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November 2022 Newsletter


Roberta (General Enquiries): 07535 293 788

Jenny (After School Club and Holiday Club): 07847 479 626

Dear Families,

After School Club

We are as committed as ever to providing outdoor play, even as the days get colder and the evenings darker. We’ll be breaking out torches, glow-sticks and more to keep our outdoor spaces lit. Some well-prepared parents are already sending their children in equipped with head-lamps and wellies and we heartily approve.

A sad and fond farewell to Playworker Jay, who will be moving on to other pastures. She is beloved by children and staff alike and we all hope she’ll be popping back for holiday clubs, staff parties and similar.

Holiday Club

Many thanks to a few generous donors that brought us fun things over Half Term and after! Several truly massive cardboard boxes got transformed by a range of innovative, hard-working architects into a grand fort over the course of two days featuring a draw-bridge, guards, cannons, and a tunnel connecting its two main areas.

We are now also the proud owners of loads of new dressing-up gear (Mario keeps dropping into ASC now, oft accompanied by a fearsome but diminutive dragon who is legally distinct from Bowser), and an Imperial ton of Guinness World Records books

Pick-Up Times

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents sticking to our pick-up times of 5.45 for After School Club and 5.30 for Holiday Club. Please continue to give us a call on 07847 479626 when you have arrived to collect your child.

Pokémon Cards

As with other toys brought from home, we cannot take responsibility for these and ask them to be left home wherever possible.


As the colder weather and darker evenings draw closer, please make sure your child arrives at After School Club with suitable clothing. We encourage outside play throughout the autumn and winter, so coats are a must.

School’s Out AGM 2022

Our AGM is on 22nd November at 7:45pm for an 8pm start. As members of Schools Out Henleaze you are all invited. It will be held in the dining room of Henleaze Infant School, Park Grove, BS9 4LG.

You will find out more about After School and Holiday Club, how it is run, and who helps behind the scenes. Refreshments are provided. Please let the administrator know if you would like to attend.

The AGM is also the perfect time for those who’d love to join our wonderful Committee!

Nominations are invited from parents using the scheme(s) for all posts. Please ask for nomination forms from the administrator It would be helpful if completed nomination forms could be returned in advance of the meeting, although nominations will be accepted at the AGM.

Keeping Active

Do you know children need to do these types of physical activity each week?

Aerobic exercise

E.g., activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.

Exercises to strengthen their bones and their muscles

E.g., activities such as swinging, hopping and skipping, and sports such as gymnastics or tennis.

Children should undertake at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Being active for at least 60 minutes a day is linked to better general health, stronger bones and muscles, and higher levels of self-esteem.

For more information, please visit:


Not sure which youtubers, films and games are appropriate for your children? Check this website for age guidance, family-oriented reviews and more!

“The Internet has become an integral part of our and our children's lives. A world has opened up which offers many positive opportunities. According to Ofcom, (2013) the majority of parents agree with the statement: "I trust my child to use the Internet safely" (83%). However, only 43% of 8–11-year-olds are very confident in knowing how to stay safe online. It is therefore important that parents and carers are aware of the way in which their children use the Internet; talk to them about the risk of going online and assist them to use the Internet safely and responsibly. “

Children sometimes ask us if they can bring their own devices with them to Holiday Club. The usual answer is no, unless a child has a specific need. In this case, please speak to Jenny.

Awareness and Problem Solving

Help you child foster awareness by saying:

Notice how… these rocks are slippery; that branch is strong…

Do you see… the stinging nettles; your friends nearby?

Try moving… your feet carefully; your hands quickly…

Try using your… hands; feet; arms; legs.

Can you hear… the rushing water; the singing birds; the wind?

Do you feel… stable on that rock; heat from the fire?

Are you feeling… scared; excited; tired; safe?

Help Your Child Problem Solve by Saying:

What’s your plan… if you climb that boulder; cross that log?

What can you use… to get across; for your adventure?

Where will you… put that rock; climb that tree; dig that hole?

How will you… get down; get up; get across?

Who will… be with you; go with you; help you if…?

Who’s Who

Sophie is in Bristol studying Children’s Nursing and we are very lucky to be helping her start down that road! At School’s Out Henleaze she is keen on arts and crafts and treasures her times sat at the activity table. She also values her time providing 1:1 care as it will help her be a better nurse. She likes to spend her spare time at the gym.


Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.


“Can we have some better art equipment?” – various Yr6 children


Acquire a bunch of fancy-pantsy art supplies!

It can be tough as an aspiring Yr6 Manga artist, having to dig through lid-less felt tips and half-chewed crayons just to find a pencil with intact lead. So, we have a separate supply of big-kids’ art equipment that the more diligent, discerning creative can access on request.

THANK YOU for your continued support!

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