Dear Families,
After School Club
Every new school year we like to give you a bit of information about After School Club! We run three activities every day at After School Club - one in the main room, one in the quiet area and one outside. The activities offered change daily, giving the children opportunities to try out different activities and develop different interests and skills. Every week we offer a variety of sports, crafts, food activities, games etc. The children are heavily involved in selecting the activities we offer, and they can choose if they would like to participate in them. We are a free flow, free play setting, with the children able to move freely between the inside and outside areas and direct their own play. We also provide a daily snack, alternating between cheese and crackers, bread sticks, hummus, carrots, cucumbers, and pitta bread. Every day there is a large selection of fruit and fresh drinking water is always available.
We have started to welcome several new reception children to After School Club. They have met their keyworkers, who are looking forward to playing lots of fun games with them, and they are already making new friends! So far this term we have celebrated “Talk Like a Pirate Day” - with maps and children running around with their Crew looking for treasure - and also “O-Zone Preservation Day” where the children made some lovely posters to raise awareness of environmental concerns. We have noticed lots of interest in children role-playing with old telephones, keyboards and mice, which we have been supporting to extend and develop these games.
On that note, if you have an old keyboard, mouse, telephone or typewriter at home please consider donating it to us!
There are still some spaces available on Fridays for After School Club. If you are interested please let Roberta know. A waiting system operates on other days - if you would like your child added to the waiting list please sign up on our website:
We have had a few questions about waiting lists and why we don’t increase our capacity. Unfortunately, as much as we would like to increase our capacity neither school can offer us anymore space, and we have reached the capacity for the space we are currently using.
Late Pick-Ups
Since changing the finish time to six o’clock, we have noticed the extra half an hour has resulted in a much more relaxed finish, fewer panicking parents and carers and therefore happier children. We thank all those parents for picking up promptly by the end, as it gives us the time we need to clean up and pack everything away. However, parents and carers picking up after six will be fined £10, and three fines will result in the committee reviewing whether they can keep their places.
October Half-Term
The October Holiday Club is open for bookings, and places are filling fast! We have lots of exciting activities planned, from making Halloween cupcakes, to playing capture the flag and going on a treasure hunt. The children will also be working in groups to carve pumpkins, as well as making fresh lemonade. We also have use of the large outdoor areas, as well as our exciting range of toys and equipment, and our lovely playworkers! We will be in the Infant School. Unfortunately, the inset day on the 4th November is already full. For the other days please book now before it’s too late!
AGM and Committee Posts
Another reminder that our AGM is being held on the 11th November in the Infant School Hall, doors will open at 7:30pm for an 8:00pm start. All parents and carers are welcome to come and find out more about After School Club and Holiday Club, how it is run, and who helps behind the scenes. Snacks and drinks are provided. Please put the date in your diary.
The AGM is also the perfect time for those who’d love to join our wonderful Committee! We are currently looking for:
Treasurer: someone who can volunteer around two hours a month work is mostly around payroll and some ad hoc payments.
Marketing: someone with marketing experience to support Beth.
Vice Chair: no specialist skills required.
IT: someone with IT experience.
We are also looking for some new bank signatories, and anyone else would like to join simply to express their interests and opinions in the running of the club.
Absence and Clubs
Please let us know on 07847479626 if your child won’t be attending After School Club, or if they will be attending an extra-curricular club before coming to us. Where possible please leave day to day messages on the phone number, rather than by emailing Jenny or Roberta who may not pick up your message in time. (Or maybe on holiday!)
There is a 48-hour exclusion period for children (and staff) after the LAST episode of sickness or diarrhea. We have your children and our staff’s best interests at heart by enforcing these exclusion periods. By bringing your poorly child in you are putting other children (and our staff) at risk. Thank you for your support.
Not sure which youtubers, films and games are appropriate for children? Check this website for age guidance, family-oriented reviews and more:
“The Internet has become an integral part of our and our children's lives. A world has opened up which offers many positive opportunities. According to Ofcom, (2013) the majority of parents agree with the statement: "I trust my child to use the Internet safely" (83%). However, only 43% of 8-11 year olds are very confident in knowing how to stay safe online. It is therefore important that parents and carers are aware of the way in which their children use the Internet; talk to them about the risk of going online and assist them to use the Internet safely and responsibly. “
Sadly, we have been informed that Libacura is closing down next year. We are currently looking into alternative booking platforms. If anyone knows of any good options please let us know. It is likely we will change over in January - more details to follow.
If you don’t already, please follow us on Facebook. We post lots of useful information, such as when we open for bookings, any last-minute places that are available in Holiday Club, as well as lots of photos of the children playing.
Who's Who

Tom joined our team in 2017 as a Playworker. He loves playing sport outside with the children, and also enjoys seeing children show off their creative talents during his activities. Outside of work Tom likes to play football with his friends, watching live music and is currently saving to fund a trip to go to Australia to get a job on a ranch!
Tom has completed his Playwork Level 2 training and is now a Senior Playworker. Next time you’re in, come and say hello!
You Said, We Did!
Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.
You Said: “Can we get a new, bigger till?”
- L, Year 3
We Did: We have provided a new, tactile, wooden till with notes, coins, and cards.
We are always keen to hear your views. There is a suggestions box at the back of the dining hall or pop in for a chat.
THANK YOU for your continued support.