Summer Holiday Club – Places Still Available!
Holiday Club over the summer is shaping up to be fun-filled and action-packed. We have lots of activities on offer to keep the children entertained and active over the summer break, such as water fights and trips to the local parks, bug habitat cakes and icing biscuits, plenty of junk modelling, painting and clay activities as well as a range of sports including football and rounders. There are several activities returning due to popular demand including Marshmallow and Spaghetti Structures, Film and Treats and also the Holiday Club Quiz.
Our full programme can be found here.
We have filled lots of places already, but there are still some available, follow this link to book.
We are running weekdays based at Henleaze Infant School, from Thursday 22nd July - Wednesday 1st September and are open to all children (Henleaze Infant/Juniors as well as other local schools). Full day (8.15-17.30) or half day (08.15-13.00/13.00-17.30) sessions are available and you can choose how many days you want to attend. Please be aware that there is an annual registration fee charged of £12, this covers all bookings at the after school club (if relevant) and holiday club on bookings made from June 2021 to 1 July 2022. This fee is on top of your session charges and is charged annually.
As a large Holiday Club, we have decided to continue to pod the children. Most days this will be into three pods: Henleaze Infants, Henleaze Juniors and children from other schools. We will continue to consider government advice, parental feedback and the needs and enjoyment of the children attending. We will update you if and when things change.
If a bubble of children must self-isolate due to a case of Covid-19 at the holiday club the committee have agreed to issue 50% refunds. This will meet some of the overhead costs we incur such as rent and staffing also recognising that we are now subsidising furlough costs as the government contributions are tapering down. We are unable to issue a refund if your child must isolate for reasons not relating to a School’s Out Henleaze Covid-19 case. Thank you for your understanding.
After School Club
We have all been making the most of the sunshine at After School Club this term. At the infants, the children have enjoyed decorating the playground with lots of lovely chalk pictures and hopscotches, making giant marble runs, bug hunting and seeing how high we can get the stomp rocket! The juniors have enjoyed playing chess, hide and blind and cone-ball, as well as putting the rain to good use by creating delicious mud pies.
As it is the end of the school year, we thought we’d ask the children about their favourite part of After School Club. Here are some of their responses:
“Mine is outside time” Jake
“We like the fun playworkers” Heath and Alys
“Lego and football” Kaito and Elmo
“I like all the Indoor toys” Helena
“Drawing is my favourite” Henry
“I like being able to make lots of different Origami” Ishaan
“Football and chess” Elijah
Reception Induction September 2021
If you have a child in Reception starting at After School Club and you haven’t already done so, please feel free to pop Jenny an email by the start of September to discuss your child’s first session, or to arrange for a visit before starting.
All Reception children are allocated a keyworker and are given lots of support during their first year with us, find out more on the Welcome Pack page of our website. Please make sure you let Jenny know when your Reception child will be starting at After School Club.
Good Luck to Our Year 6 Leavers!
Every year we like to end the term with a party for our year 6 children to send them off in style. This year we…
We have looked after some of these children since they were in Reception seven years ago, so you won’t be surprised to hear tears were shed! We wish them all well in their new schools and hope they can find the time to pop in to visit us in the future.
We asked the year 6s to cast their minds back over their time at School’s Out to us to let us know their favourite memories of After School Club. This is what they said:
“I enjoyed the football games we played” Freddie
“I enjoyed fidget trading games and singing with my friends” Isabel
“I enjoyed coming on my first day. It was super fun and I got away from my sister!” Iman
“I like pranking the playworkers, especially Amaris!” Amelie
“The different food! Ice cream in summer and cereal in a cup” Sarah
“I liked it when we went to the cinema in Holiday Club” Megan
“Dodgeball!” Rose
“Playing on the bottom playground was so fun!” Peter
School’s Out Henleaze Background Information
Did you know that School’s Out Henleaze is a not-for-profit company? This means that all of the money earned by us is used in pursuing the organisation's objectives and keeping it running.
It was set up in 1991 by a group of working parents who wanted high quality childcare for their children whilst they attended Henleaze Infant and Junior Schools. In the holidays we now take children of all abilities from across Bristol and beyond, and are proud of how welcoming and inclusive our children are.
We are still run by parents, who form the Management Committee. We are grateful for all the work they do, giving up their time to ensure the scheme runs as smoothly as it does.
Staff Ratios
At School’s Out Henleaze, we are committed to providing staffing ratios of 1 adult to 8 children. Currently, we also have at least one adult in each pod. Taken together, this means that every child at School’s Out Henleaze is able to be closely supported and given lots of attention, and is able to build positive, friendly relationships with their playworkers.
No Nuts
We are a nut free scheme. When making snacks or packed lunches, do not include any nuts or nut products such as peanut butter, and we have also excluded sesame and sesame products such as houmous. We have children with severe allergies to these foods and sending your child in with them can risk their health.
Healthy Eating
Most children are bringing a snack in to eat when they arrive at After School Club. As part of our commitment to promoting healthy eating, we do ask that parents ensure their child’s snacks are balanced across the week. We will be monitoring this and are happy to offer support wherever possible. Feel free to look at our Packed Lunch and Snack policy for some ideas for snacks, and with Holiday Club around the corner, there are also plenty of ideas for a healthy lunchbox too:
At least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables every day.
Meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g., lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas) every day.
A starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereals every day.
Dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais, custard or a dairy substitute.
Only water, still or sparkling, fruit juice, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, yoghurt or milk drinks and smoothies.

Who’s Who
Joël joined us in 2013 as a Playworker and has since completed his Level 2 in Playwork.
He now works as a Keyworker for the Reception children and has been helping them create new friendships and fun games to play to with each other.
Recently, Joël has been taking the children on “adventures” around the playground based on Indiana Jones and The Lion King, complete with singing!
Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.
“Can we have a stomp rocket?” - Infants
“Please can we have some more toy soldiers and dominoes?” - Juniors -
Another stomp rocket and spare rockets has been provided for the infants.
We have purchased several armies’ worth of soldiers and plenty of new brightly coloured wooden dominoes. Let battle commence!
THANK YOU for your continued support!