Roberta (General Enquiries): 07535 293 788
Jenny (After School Club and Holiday Club): 07847 479 626
Dear Families,
Summer Holiday Club
Another Summer Holiday has been and gone, and we all had a fantastic time. It was great to welcome back familiar children from schools all over Bristol, as well as lots of new faces from Henleaze and beyond. We spent a lot of time playing outside, making dens, swings and hammocks, playing parachute games, blowing giant bubbles, and having lots of fun squirting water at each other! Children also spent lots of time painting and junk modelling, exploring the sensory box, creating musical instruments and shakers, and also making giant Brio train tracks. We even made trips to the local parks, which the children really enjoyed.
After School Club
We have gone back to “normal” at After School Club, with some slight differences. We are all together in the Infant School, using the dinner hall and playgrounds, and it has been really lovely to see all the children playing with each other from across year groups again. We have a great indoor space set up with toys, games, drawing and craft, and outside we have use of the Big Playground and its equipment.
If your child attends the Juniors, it is really important to let us know if they will be missing a session of After School Club, as we do not have contact with their teachers, and are also not notified by the Junior School of any absences. Please text the ASC phone to let us know.
Finally, at the end of each ASC session, we will be bringing the children outside to meet parents or guardians. The best thing to do is to ring the ASC phone when you have arrived in the car park outside of the Infant School and we will get your child ready and bring them out.
ASC phone number: 07847 479 626
Reception Induction September 2021
If you have a child in Reception starting at After School Club and you haven’t already done so, please feel free to pop Jenny an email to discuss your child’s first session, or to arrange for a visit before starting. All Reception children are allocated a keyworker and are given lots of support during their first year with us, find out more on the Welcome Pack page of our website.
October Holiday Club – Now Open For Bookings!
We have opened up bookings for October half-term, and places are already starting to fill up. As usual, we have a fantastic range of activities planned including Giant Bubbles, Icing Biscuits, and an Outdoor Disco. Alongside these activities, the children will have access to a range of toys and games, loose parts for junk modelling and imaginative play, and access to our amazing outdoor space for sports, den building, hammocks and swings, and whatever else the children can think up!
The October scheme is open to all schools. The 1st November INSET day is for Henleaze Campus only and we have limited availability. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Lost Property
We have several bags full of lost property left over from the Summer Holidays. Please contact Liam via email ( if you think we might have something of your child’s. We will be donating any unclaimed lost property to charity at the end of Term 1, on Friday 22nd October.
Pokémon Cards
We are in the middle of another wave of Pokémon cards. If your child brings them to either After School or Holiday Club, please can you remind them that they are their responsibility to look after. As with other toys brought from home, we cannot take responsibility for this and try to encourage them to be left home wherever possible.
Extra-Curricular Clubs and Activities
If your child is attending another club before School’s Out, please can you text the ASC phone and include where and when you would like us to pick up your child. If you would like your child to walk themselves over, we would still like you to tells us where they will be and what time we can expect them at School’s Out. You may also need to discuss this arrangement with the staff at your child’s club.
No Nuts and Sesame
We are a nut free scheme. When making snacks or packed lunches, do not include any nuts or nut products such as peanut butter, and we have also excluded sesame and sesame products such as houmous. We have children with severe allergies to these foods and sending your child in with them can risk their health.
As the colder weather and darker evenings draw closer, please make sure your child arrives at After School Club with suitable clothing. We encourage outside play throughout the autumn and winter, so coats are a must.
Who’s Who
Gee joined our team in 2019 and has been working as a keyworker in reception for most of that time. She loves helping them settle in and make friends with each other, finding out about their interests and having lots of fun inside and out.
Gee is also a very talented with a knitting needle and has created some amazing toys for the children, including the children’s favourite knitted bowling pins and kitchen utensils! Gee has also just started working as a teaching assistant at another school.
Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.
“Can we have another baby and some clothes?”
“We would like some pretend credit cards to use with the till”
We have bought some new babies and accessories.
We have purchased a new till with lots of extra pieces including money and cards.
THANK YOU for your continued support!