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October 2021 Newsletter


Updated: Nov 30, 2021

Roberta (General Enquiries): 07535 293 788

Jenny (After School Club and Holiday Club): 07847 479 626

Dear Families,

After School Club Update

We have had a lovely start to the school year at After School Club, welcoming back lots of familiar faces and meeting some new ones too. Making the most of the weather and play space, the children have enjoyed spending lots of time outside – especially using our new tree swings! They have also been putting on fashion shows, dance competitions and playing all sorts of games with parachutes. Inside, children have been joining in our various daily activity, which so far included making masks, junk modelling, painting and clay.

The new reception children have settled in well and have been well looked after by our keyworkers, Gee and Sam. They are already making friends with children from other years, gaining confidence moving around the club independently and choosing how they spend their time. Elsewhere around the club children have enjoyed writing silly stories on the typewriters, creating big ramps with car track and using a tape recorder to conduct interviews!

As we move into the colder and wetter months, we will still be making outside play available at all times, so please make sure your child comes to After School Club adequately prepared.

School’s Out AGM 2021

Our AGM is on Monday 8th November at 7:45 for an 8pm start. As members of Schools Out Henleaze you are all invited. It will be held in the dining room of Henleaze Infant School, Park Grove, BS9 4LG.

You will find out more about After School and Holiday Club, how it is run, and who helps behind the scenes. Refreshments are provided. Please let the administrator know if you would like to attend.

The AGM is also the perfect time for those who’d love to join our wonderful Committee!

Nominations are invited from parents using the scheme(s) for all posts. Please ask for nomination forms from the administrator It would be helpful if completed nomination forms could be returned in advance of the meeting, although nominations will be accepted at the AGM.

Holiday Club

We are all looking forward to a week of fun at October Holiday Club next week. We have planned some exciting seasonal activities for the children to enjoy, including Halloween-themed games and biscuit decorating, and some autumnal arts and crafts. There are a few spaces left, please pay at the time of booking either voucher of credit/debit card. Thank you.

HC Mobile: 07847 479 626


If you would like information about After School Club and Holiday Club, including details of our staff team, committee members, activity programs, or policies, please take a look around our website. We keep it regularly updated, and as always, welcome feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Christmas Holiday Club – Now Open For Bookings! Closing for bookings on 6th December, grab the last places.

We have opened up bookings for the Christmas holidays, which is many of the Playworkers favourite time of the year. As usual, we have a fantastic range of Christmas and Winter activities planned including making Chocolate Orange Crispy Cakes, a Treasure Hunt and Christmas Party Games. More details can be found here.

Alongside these activities, the children will have access to a range of toys and games, loose parts for junk modelling and imaginative play, and access to our amazing outdoor space for sports, den building, swings, and whatever else the children can think up!

The Christmas scheme is open to all schools.

Please note there is now an inset on 21st January, we are open at the infant school with a limited number of places.

Lost Property

Last call for Summer Holiday Club lost property! Please contact Liam via email ( if you think we might have something of your child’s. We will be donating any unclaimed lost property to charity at the end of the week, on Friday 22nd October.

Healthy Eating

As part of our OFSTED target, we are asking that parents and carers work with us to ensure their children are coming to After School Club with healthy snack choices across the week. We are currently able to provide a piece of fruit to those children who come without a snack. More information and snack ideas can be found in our Packed Lunch and Snacks policy, here.

Please also remember not to include any nuts or sesame products, to help us keep all of our children safe.


We understand that there are many reasons why children might not attend After School Club, but if your child goes to the Junior School, we will not get any messages from the office or teachers regarding their absence. This means it is important for parents and carers to text the ASC phone number to inform us of any absences in advance. ASC mb: 0784 7479 626

Who’s Who

Will joined our team in 2018 after completing a volunteer placement with us. He has spent time as a Keyworker in reception, been an incredible 1:1 for our our children with additional needs, and also taught children some of his amazing skills with a football.

Aside from his interests in childcare, education and football, Will also has a passion for music and finds time to DJ at local music venues.


Each newsletter we will share with you how we have responded to feedback from either an adult or a child. Your feedback is very important to us, and we welcome your comments.


“We would like some tree swings.”


We have bought several tree swings for the playground tree.

THANK YOU for your continued support!

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